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Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting Journey (stand alone course)
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Introducing the Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting Journey
Welcome and Introductions
Lesson ONE: Painting and Living Playfully
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #1: The Gifts of Playfulness - Compassion
Lesson TWO: Getting to Know Your Inner Witness
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #2: Creating Unity Within - Clarity
Lesson THREE: Painting and Living FEARLESSLY
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #3: Lightness of Being - Courage
Lesson FOUR: FOCUS on What You Desire
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #4: Focus on What You Desire - Calm
Lesson FIVE: Permission to Take Up SPACE
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #5: Soul Messages-Connectedness
Lesson SIX: Creating ABUNDANCE Now!
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #6: Getting Curious About Detachment-Curiosity
Lesson SEVEN: BE the CHANGE You Desire at the Canvas
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #7: Surrender to Creative Flow-Creativity
Lesson EIGHT: Painting Symbols to MAGNETIZE Your Desires
Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting #8: Grounded and Spiritually Connected-Confidence
There is MORE ...
Elevate Your Energy & Transform Your Life!
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Introducing the Nature-Inspired Yoga Painting Journey
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