No Painting Experience Required...

...just an open mind & heART.

This is your invitation into

As the external world gets more and more shaky, we are called to go within to RECLAIM our Creative Self, YOUR most authentic personal expression. YES!

Watch this first ...

This course is a stand-alone course and is meant to be a supplement to the Rise Above: A Transformational Painting Challenge.

During my personal journey of spiritual growth and healing, I learned several practices that enabled me to discover the possibility of healing from within.

These experiences profoundly changed my life and inspired me to share my insights with others who are looking for a path to personal fulfillment.

In 2021, I reclaimed my CREATIVITY by writing and publishing my first book, Connecting with Nature: Your Guide to Healing from the Inside Out. After two decades of journaling my healing journey and receiving the nudge to write a book,

I felt called to share my experiences to help others.

In 2022, I joined Whitney Freya's 22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Challenge, which integrated my spiritual, emotional, and physical healing into a sacred painting practice. This experience INSPIRED me to become a Certified Creatively Fit Coach, empowering me to support others in their healing journey through AWAKENING their CREATIVE expression. Whitney's messages

"You are the artist of your life"


"Your life is your canvas"

were pivotal for me to release old stories and move forward with my life.

Everything changed when I said YES to the call to become a CCFC and provide services for others to develop their "ARTIST MENTALITY" and create the life of their dreams. I am done staying small and I am ready to encourage others to step out of their box.

I am devoting my life to creating spaces within which YOU can reclaim your CREATIVE spirit.

What lights me up is energy & vibration,

how to consciously create life, how to heal, learning to be in alignment with my soul & I am constantly opening more & more to the mystery on a PERSONAL level.

This course is the culmination of almost three decades immersed in this journey of rediscovery.

Creativity and the arts often hold the key to a more fulfilled and authentic existence. In a society that frequently prioritizes productivity and economic success, the intrinsic value of artistic expression can be overshadowed. Yet, engaging with the arts can provide a profound sense of self-discovery and personal growth.

Over 80% of us have shared of suffering a creative wound, like a critical art teacher or family member. I was one of them. My kindergarten art teacher led me to believe that my art ability didn't measure up to others in her class. Perhaps someone made fun of your art or your creative dreams were severely shut down around the kitchen table because, “There’s no money in art.” In this course, TOGETHER, we are reclaiming our truth as CREATORS.

This course will introduce you to a whole new perspective on life & all it has to offer to you.

It's not about deepening into how to create art as product, it's about deepening into the portal art-making offers you: passage back to YOUR truth. Reclaiming & getting to know that truth changes everything.

Click below to sign up NOW!

Awaken your creativity NOW!

Meet Your Guide

Nancy Zick wants YOU to experience the joy and freedom that comes from engaging in a creative practice! It is an honor and blessing that you have chosen to be here.

Healing from the inside out is what she has devoted her life to over the past three decades. Nancy is the author of Connecting with Nature: Your Guide to Healing from the Inside Out. She is an intuitive, Reiki master, yoga instructor, aromatherapist, and creativity coach.

This course is a glimpse into her deep connection with nature and she will eagerly escort you on a path of healing from the inside out!

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson ONE: Painting and Living Playfully
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson TWO: Getting to Know Your Inner Witness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson THREE: Painting and Living FEARLESSLY
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson FOUR: FOCUS on What You Desire
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson FIVE: Permission to Take Up SPACE
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson SIX: Creating ABUNDANCE Now!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson SEVEN: BE the CHANGE You Desire at the Canvas
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson EIGHT: Painting Symbols to MAGNETIZE Your Desires
Available in days
days after you enroll
  There is MORE ...
Available in days
days after you enroll